Welcome to the directEDGAR AppStream Registration Page
Please use the form below to enter your First and Last names as well as your email address.
- Your email address must be the institutional email address assigned by the university
- Your email address will be your user-name for access to our platforms and is case sensitive
- After you complete the registration form and hit the Request Access button you can expect two emails from our platform partner from this
address no-reply@accounts.us-west-2.amazonAppStream.com
- The first delivers a login link, and a Temporary Password and explains that you need to set a new password
- The second confirms that the directEDGAR apps platform is available with the platform link (This link is already included in the
initial email)
- Please be sure to save your password as well as the initial email with the log-in link so you can reset your password if needed
- If you do not receive the initial registration emails within a few minutes after submitting the Request Access button please check your
spam folder/box. Otherwise send us an email (directEDGAR's Support Team).
- If you receive a no-access message please check that you are using the correct institutional email address. If your university has various
email patterns (somename@mavericks.unomaha.edu/somename@unomaha.edu) we might be missing one or more of the patterns. This is easily fixed upon notification please
contact your internal directEDGAR lead or send our support team an email Otherwise send our support team an email (directEDGAR
Tech Support).
Your access to our platform is subject to a license agreement that has some critical restrictions.
- By creating an account using your academic email address, you agree to not license, sub-license, transfer, sell, resell, publish,
reproduce, and/or otherwise redistribute these materials or knowingly provide access to this content to non-authorized users. Sharing of user-names and passwords is
prohibited. Data downloaded to desktops/computing devices is intended for your academic use only. It may not be shared or stored in directories/systems that may be
accessed by others not subject to the license agreement between AcademicEDGAR+ LLC and your university.
- Please note - this prohibition on sharing data includes not only artifacts accessed or extracted from our systems. It extends to artifacts
you create from the resources provided through our platform unless the artifacts you create represent an innovative transformation of data. For example,
suppose you use directEDGAR tools to identify the disclosure of risk factors as listed in Item 1A of the 10-K. While it would take significant effort to extract
those the process is fairly mechanical and we would not approve sharing that data. However - if you instead develop some scoring algorithm based on content analysis
of the risk factors we would first congratulate you and then if you wanted to share the scores to encourage additional work in this area we would be
supportive of this type of sharing. Our approval process is not arduous
Making sure you have the best experience using this new platform - one size doesn't fit all!
- Our AppStream delivery offers two options - both have their uses
- The basic and initial access is through your browser. This option will work fine when you are focused on searching or if you are just
extracting one or several files. You can easily transfer request files through the browser to the application and transfer the output (Context Extraction or
Summary Extraction) files back. .
- If your extracting more than a couple of files - you should use the AppStream Windows client - this version allows you to mount a local
drive to the session and then use the drive to save the artifacts you create on your local computer. Here is a link for the Windows client installer (AWS AppStream).
- In addition - your university license allows you to have a local installation of the application on your university as well as personal
computer. For some tasks - having a local version is superior to the web version.
- You can extract documents from the cloud, save them to your local drive and then build a custom index of just those documents.
- If you have extracted tables or documents using the Extraction tools - you have access to the SmartBrowser to do review and then the
other features of the platform for data normalization.
- When you are extracting our pre-processed data - if you extract it directly to your local desktop you won't have to transfer it from
the AppStream instance.
Getting started & staying current tips for using directEDGAR's Search, Extraction and Normalization platform to collect data
- The Search, Extraction and Normalization Engine has a full Help system built into the application.
- Our YouTube channel has a growing set of videos that illustrate key features of our platform. Subscribe to the channel or browse it when you
are wondering the best way to take advantage of the power of directEDGAR. directEDGAR's YouTube
- To stay current with improvements and to find detailed information about some of the more complex issues associated with collecting data from
EDGAR filings visit/subscribe to our blog. directEDGAR's Blog.
- If you need personalized help please contact our help team - we will try to respond within 24 hours. Please make sure you provide a full
description of your data collection goals if you are seeking general direction. If you have encountered some specific problem with the application please provide any
request files and then screenshots of the problem you are experiencing can also help us more quickly address your problem. directEDGAR
Tech Support